Poiled chicken breast with mushroom mustard cream sauce 鶏胸肉のポワレ キノコマスタードクリームソース

鶏むね肉 2枚
ローズマリー 2枝
オリーブオイル 適量
バター 適量
塩/白コショウ 適量

しいたけ 80g
マッシュルーム 80g
エリンギ 80g
白マイタケ 80g
ヒラタケ 80g
にんにく 1/2片
玉ねぎ 1/4個
イタリアンパセリ 適量
ブイヨン 120ml
生クリーム 200ml
粒マスタード 20g
バター 30g
水 適量
塩/白コショウ 適量

エリンギ 2本
サラダ油 適量


■Poiled chicken breast
2 chicken breasts
2 sprigs of rosemary
Olive oil – appropriate amount
Butter appropriate amount
Salt/white pepper (appropriate amount)

■Mushroom mustard cream sauce
Shiitake mushrooms 80g
Mushroom 80g
Eringi 80g
White maitake mushroom 80g
Oyster mushroom 80g
1/2 clove garlic
1/4 onion
Italian parsley (appropriate amount)
Bouillon 120ml
Fresh cream 200ml
Grain mustard 20g
Butter 30g
Water (appropriate amount)
Salt/white pepper (appropriate amount)

■ Kingfish chips
Eringi 2 pieces
Salad oil – appropriate amount

① Heat the chicken breast over a slow, gentle heat while letting it rest, then add 90% of the chicken breast, skin side up.
At the end, add a generous amount of butter to replenish the fat content, and bake with the scent of rosemary and garlic.
Dissolve the remaining umami ingredients in the frying pan with water and add to the sauce.
② Sauté the mushrooms in the sauce over high heat to prevent moisture from coming out, then add salt and pepper once they are browned.

#japan #鳥肉 #チキン #きのこレシピ