独身飯!簡単&美味しい! 麺つゆチキン(鶏もも肉の麺つゆ照り焼き)


🎥 **麺つゆチキン(鶏もも肉の麺つゆ照り焼き)** 🍳
– 鶏もも肉: 1枚
– 麺つゆ(3倍濃縮):大さじ3
– みりん:大さじ2
– 砂糖:大さじ1
– オリーブオイルまたはサラダ油:適量
– 青ネギ:適量

1. 鶏もも肉にフォークで数カ所穴をあけて味を染み込ませやすくします。
2. 小さめのボウルに麺つゆ、みりん、砂糖を入れ、よく混ぜます。
3. 鶏もも肉を混ぜた調味料に10分~15分ほど漬け込みます。
4. フライパンに中火でサラダ油を熱し、鶏もも肉を皮目から入れます。
5. 皮目がこんがりと焼けたら裏返し、残りの面も焼きます。
6. 漬け込んでいたタレをフライパンに入れ、全体に絡めます。
7. タレがほどよく煮詰まり、照りが出たら火を止めます。
8. 鶏もも肉を切り分けてお皿に盛り、お好みで青ネギをトッピングして完成です。

### Teriyaki Chicken with 3x Concentrated Mentsuyu

– Chicken thigh: 1 piece
– Mentsuyu (3x concentrated): 3 tablespoons
– Mirin: 2 tablespoons
– Sugar: 1 tablespoon
– Olive oil or salad oil: Suitable amount
– Green onions: Suitable amount

1. Use a fork to poke several holes in the chicken thigh to help the flavors penetrate.
2. In a small bowl, mix the mentsuyu, mirin, and sugar well.
3. Marinate the chicken thigh in the mixture for about 10 to 15 minutes.
4. Heat salad oil in a frying pan over medium heat, and place the chicken thigh skin-side down.
5. Once the skin is nicely browned, flip the chicken and cook the other side.
6. Pour the marinade into the pan and coat the chicken evenly.
7. Let the sauce simmer until it thickens and becomes glossy, then turn off the heat.
8. Slice the chicken thigh, plate it, and optionally garnish with green onions before serving.

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“I have started a new series called ‘Bachelor Meals!’ The theme for the third episode is ‘Veggie Cheese Omelet.’ I made an omelet using mixed vegetables and eggs. It’s very easy, so please give it a try! If you have any other simple and delicious recipes, I’d love to hear them in the comments! I would like to try making them as well.”

0:00 オープニング Opening
0:06 料理説明 Recipe Explanation
0:20 材料説明 Ingredients Explanation
0:37 調理開始 Cooking Start
6:38 完成 ”Complete
6:46 試食 Tasting
8:11 感想 Feedback
8:17 エンディング Ending
8:35 材料説明 Ingredients Explanation

使っているカメラ:Sony ZV-1markⅡ
